Variety Underground Feb 7th
Jurassic Park; the Improv Group - longform improv comedy featuring Jessalee Landfried, Chris Kammenstein, Corey Harrower, Sascha Stanton-Craven, Ben Shestakofsky, and Jon GolbeGeorge the Roofer - long form improv comedy featuring Sara Courtney, Blake Merriman, Sunita Deshpande, Kim Fenwick, and Bret LaFontan
Caligula - long form improv comedy featuring Matt Archambault, Jon Bander, Eric Harrington, Marielena Logsdon, Michael Martin, Andrew Mendillo, Garrett Palm, Morgan Phillips, and Lizzy Raetz
Kitzi Taylor - my mom does stand up
Submit an act to be considered!
Look at Day 4 in Sean's Pizza Month '07 and you'll see the audience of Variety Underground! |